Monday, December 7, 2009

For the Love of Ray J, Se.2 Ep. 6 - Brandy's Back!

11:02 OK Extra is still insane- which version of her multiple personalities will she be today?

11:04 Jaguar your ship has sailed!!! If you didn't kiss him when you were wearing just a thong, you won't kiss him later.

11:05 MOESHA is back !!!!! Hallelujah.

11:06 Okay seriously I know her real name is Leila, and that may be biased, but I feel that she is fantastic! Her yellow outfit is bananas. She is a crazy bee.

11:07 I think it should be a feature in every episode that at least one person needs subtitles.

11:11 See, I can't stop loving myself (leila/exotica) because she was singing in portuguese. i love the music of that language.

11:13 Me gustan las reinas de oro !!!

11:15 WOLF PACK??? Terrible name. She-wolf pack would have been better.

11:17 Afro-electricity baby !!!!

11:18 I've got RAY J Fever.

11:19 Please tell me Jaguar and Ray J have another awkward date.

11:21 Their date is so budget! Jaguar is still wearing her outfit from the singing competition.

11:22 I started getting tear-eyed because i've been hurt before. -Jaguar (why are you on this reality show jaguar???)

11:28 Didn't he do this same song with Cocktail ????

11:29 She so wants to be a singer. It's so transparent !!!

11:30 This show should be called "Ray J's" harem.

11:34 The best thing about what's happening is what's happening.

11:37 Jaguar has no waist or hips. I am scared.

11:40 Caliente clock-blocked Exotica.

11:44 I'm what you would call a white.

Extra is SELF-DESTRUCTING in the game.

11:45 Operation: cock block has begun !!!

11:50 Every time it gets down to 2 glasses, i always say "2 girls, 1 cup".

11:56 She is dressed like a genie. - Lauren re: Exotica

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